Past Musical:
Kentwood Players presents
Li’l Abner
This Tony-award winning musical of the 50’s is an American classic. Based on Al Capp’s politically and socially satirical comic strip, its humor and commentary have uncanny relevance today. The story centers on Dogpatch’s Sadie Hawkins’ Day Race, the annual opportunity for Daisy Mae to once again attempt to snag Li’l Abner for her husband. But the race gets interrupted by Washington D.C. bureaucrats who announce that Dogpatch has been determined to be the most unnecessary town in the USA, and thus has been selected as the site for testing the atomic bomb. Told they can only avoid evacuation and annihilation by demonstrating that the town has some redeeming value, Mammy Yokum throws her secret Yokumberry tonic into the mix, the plot thickens, and the madCapp ride takes off!
Abner Yokum
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Derek Rubiano
Daisy Mae
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Meredith M. Sweeney
Marryin’ Sam, Radio Commentator
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Greg Abbott
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Marcy Agreen
Government Man, Policeman
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Nick Alspaugh
Pappy Yokum
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Jeff Asch
Government Man
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Dylan Bailey
Mammy Yokum
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Margie Bates
Available Jones, Secretary
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Jordan Bland
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Crystal Boyer
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Kaitlin Brasuell
Clem Scragg
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Sheldon Cohen
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Diane Dooley
Dr. Rasmussen T. Finsdale
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Ron “Adam” Dunberger
Lonesome Polecat, Evil Eye Fleagle, Dr. Schleifitz, State Department Man
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Drew Fitzsimmons
Alf Scragg, Colonel, President
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Dave Fulton
Stupefyin’ Jones
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Janice Garcia
Earthquake McGoon
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Marco Antonio Garcia
Secretary, Dr. Smithborn, Creighton (the Butler)
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Slater Ross Garcia
Senator Jack S. Phogbound
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Ira Gewant
Moonbeam McSwine, Wife
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Leigh Golden
Secretary, Dr. Krogmeyer
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Greg Hardash
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Emma Hatton
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Heidi Johnson
Romeo Scragg
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Mike La Stelley
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Francesca Palermo
Hairless Joe, Secretary
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Dash Porter
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Robyn Rothstein
Valerie Ruel
Appassionata Von Climax
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Minerva Schott
General Bullmoose
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Bruce Schroffel
Mayor Dan’l Dawgmeat
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Max Heldring Stormes
Featured in the cast of Li’l Abner are (from left) Margie Bates, Jeff Asch, Derek Rubiano, Meredith M. Sweeney, Greg Abbott.
Daisy Mae has her heart set on catching Abner in the Sadie Hawkins Day race. (Meredith M. Sweeney and Derek Rubiano)
Pappy and Mammy Yokum dote on their boy Abner. (from left: Jeff Asch, Derek Rubiano, Margie Bates)
She who wears the pants in the family often repairs the pants of others! (Margie Bates and Jeff Asch)
Marryin’ Sam assures Daisy Mae that she is not past her prime. (Greg Abbott and Meredith M. Sweeney)
Evil Eye Fleagle puts a double whammy on Abner so he can be caught during the Sadie Hawkins Day race. (Drew Fitzsimmons)
“Hesh up, Pappy. Ah has spoken!” (Jeff Asch and Margie Bates)
Evil Eye Fleagle gives Abner the double whammy! (from left: Drew Fitzsimmons, Derek Rubiano, Meredith M. Sweeney)
Daisy Mae wonders, “Is this real or am I dreaming?” (from left: Greg Abbott, Meredith M. Sweeney, Derek Rubiano)