Past Drama:
Kentwood Players presents
Dark of the Moon

Dark of the Moon
by Howard Richardson and William Berney
Directed by Jerry Silvers
Produced by Martha Deley
June 26 – July 18, 1959
at the Pumphouse Theater


Played by
John ············ Burton Charles Sirlin
Conjur Man ············ Louis Rosen
Dark Witch ············ Ellen Leddy
Fair Witch ············ Maureen Tessler
Conjur Woman ············ Doris Brown
Barbara Allen ············ Calia Silvers
Preacher Haggler ············ James Wilson
Marvin Hudgens ············ Ken Bohard
Uncle Smelicue ············ John W. Ellinwood
Burt Dinwitty ············ Mike Anderegg
Miss MetcaIf ············ Donna Lawrence
Hank Gudger ············ Jon Christie
Guitar Player ············ Lee Cotter
Mrs. Allen ············ Arden Leach
Mr. Allen ············ Herbert B. Gilbert
Floyd ············ Butch Gibbs
Mrs. Summey ············ Martha DeLey
Mr. Summey ············ Frank Pitt
Edna ············ Judy Ostrow
Mrs. Bergen ············ Arneida Fagen
Mr. Bergen ············ Harold Fisher
Ella ············ Doris Turner


Westchester Playhouse
8301 Hindry Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(Click here for map)

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